s.m.i.l.e !!

orang kata.senyum itu seindah suria :) ye ke ??
ye .. betul..betul..betul..
apa sebab kita senyum ye..of coz sebab kita happy.. senyum itu boleh menghilangkan stress kita tau,,ramai biologist menganggap senyum tu sebenarnya untuk menyembunyikan perasaan takut,,pastu dorang kata 'senyum takut' ni asalnya dari monyet dan kera ?? yang kemudian telah mengalami evolusi dan berkembang secara berbeza di kalangan spesis yang berlainan,,especially manusia. senyum manusia lak berbeza,,ada yang senyum nampak gigi,,ada yang senyum tak nampak gigi :)
kenapa lah pulak aku merepek pasal seyum ni ye,, sebab aku baru sedar the power of smile,,tengah2 hangin satu badan dalam kelas,,bila senyum sejukkkkk je rasa hati,,tambah tambah  lak ngan bebudak form 1 yang ada je jawapan nak menyejukkan hati aku,,alamak lupa lak nak ambil gambar dorang,,next entry nak selitkan gambar gambar students aku this year lah :)

last but not least..don't forget to smile folks :)

I'm afraid to be alone, I'm afraid not to be alone. I'm afraid of what I am, what I'm not, what I might become, what I might never become. I don't want to stay at my job for the rest of my life, but I'm afraid to leave. And I'm just tired, you know? I'm just so tired of being afraid.

~Michelle Pfeiffer~

dari pagi tadi..sampailah sekarang ni aku belum lagi merehatkan badan..macam lupa lak hari ni Jumaat,,pagi tadi gi kerja..rasa macam dah cuti la pulak..kalau ikut jam dah masuk Sabtu dah ni..cuti seminggu :) manusia biasa,,kita memerlukan cuti sekali sekala untuk melapangkan fikiran dari rutin harian,,betul tak ??

A good vacation is over when you begin to yearn for your work.
~Morris Fishbein

pernah nampak ikan yang hebat ni tak ?? hebat sebab tak perlukan air pun hehe inilah destinasi aku nak lari dari rutin harian,, kota kinabalu dah jadi tempat wajib bertandang setiap kali cuti..shopping ke??selalunye shopping tingkap je a.k.a window shopping :) nak shopping tengok budget dulu .. kalau tak budget ada gak yang makan megi hari - hari hehehe ..

oh ye,,sambil - sambil 'beli tingkap' nak gi melawat adik aku kat UMS,,ntah apa jadinya,,kot - kot bertambah kurus  hahaha macam orang tak cukup makan je adik aku tu.. mata dah ngantuk dah ni..nanti - nanti update lagi k :)

May sleep envelop you as a bed sheet floating gently down, tickling your skin and removing every worry. Reminding you to consider only this moment.
~Jeb Dickerson,

gong xi fa cai!

Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Tiger tend to have very go-ahead personalities, they love to be the centre of attention and are often very fortunate and full of drive. Although they are often skeptical by nature they can make rash decisions, but above all they are loving, giving, and genuine. They tend to immerse themselves in any of their undertakings and while full of optimism they are not materialistic. Intensity as opposed to logical best describes a Tiger person. At their worst they are stubborn, self-centred and awkward but on the plus side they can also be sensitive and sympathetic. They will go to great lengths to reap their revenge and detest being ignored. As a tiger, life will be filled with just about every emotion and very volatile; and being great optimists life will also be full of many challenges

The year of the Tiger: is a very likely to be a volatile year, everything is taken to its limit in this big and bold year. It can also be a year of war, disasters and all kinds of disputes, it is a year for massive change but this can also bring out the best.



The Fire Tiger - dramatic, self-reliant, giving, motivated by enthusiasm and is quirky.

The Fire Tiger Years
13 Feb 1926 to 1 Feb 1927
9 Feb 1986 to 28 Jan 1987


The Wood Tiger - enchanting, pioneering, scheming, motivated by co-operation and is tolerant.

The Wood Tiger Years
26 Jan 1914 to 13 Feb 1915
23 Jan 1974 to 10 Feb 1975


The Earth Tiger - hard working, academic, motivated by worth, is impartial and responsible.

The Earth Tiger Years
31 Jan 1938 to 18 Feb 1939
28 Jan 1998 to 5 Feb 1999


The Metal Tiger - aggressive, attractive, diligent, motivated by self interest and selfish.

The Metal Tiger Years
17 Feb 1950 to 5 Feb 1951
14 Feb 2010 to 2 Feb 2011


The Water Tiger - perceptive, motivated by tranquility, is unbiased, open minded and honest.

The Water Tiger Years
8 Feb 1902 to 28 Jan 1903
5 Feb 1962 to 24 Jan 1963